4 Nov 2023 | |
In this series of three lectures, I will examine Jung’s complex reflections and experiences with the figure of Jesus Christ. In the first lecture, I will look at Jung’s encounters with the Christ figure in The Red Book. I will follow up on this in the second lecture with his reflections on the appearance of Jesus Christ in the Age of Pisces, as discussed in his late work, Aion. Finally, in the third lecture, I will discuss his consideration of the meaning of the Christ figure for depth psychology as expressed in his essay, Answer to Job. During the course of these lectures, I will also include references to the meaning of Jesus Christ in Jung’s other writings.
For Jung, Jesus Christ was a lifelong object of experience and reflection, both personally and for modern depth psychology.
Murray Stein Ph.D., is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland. He was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) from 2001 to 2004 and President of ISAP-ZURICH from 2008 to 2012. He has lectured internationally and is the editor of Jungian Psychoanalysis and the author of many books and articles. The first and second volumes of his Collected Writings, titled Individuation and Myth and Psychology, have been published, and a third, Transformations, is in press. He lives in Switzerland and has a private practice in Zurich.