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When Psyche Sings, Jungian Music Psychotherapy: A Workshop With Joel Kroeker

  • Saturday, June 22, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom, Eastern Time


Registration is closed


This program WILL BE recorded.

Registration closes at NOON on the day before the program begins. 

Zoom Links will be in your confirmation email.

Welcome to this exploration of the relationship between music and psyche. This kinship connection has been a long-held fascination of mine. For me (and perhaps for you too), music is everywhere in my life, both waking and sleeping. I listen to it, play it, imagine it, create it, and even occasionally dream about it. In fact, I realized at a young age that the experience of being "in music" feels a lot like being "in a dream." This initial musical dreamlike quality informed the next four decades of my life as I moved through my academic career (in composition and ethnomusicology), my music career (as composer, improvisational Jazz artist, and singer-songwriter) and now as a music-centered psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. 

Eventually, I had the rare opportunity to spend time with Jung's grandson, Dieter Baumann, exploring together his musical experiences with his grandfather, as well as Jung's ideas about listening to the natural world (and even to the voice of one's patient) as music itself. These precious interactions felt, at times, as if I was sitting with old Jung himself, as we discussed these firsthand musical moments, which amplified what I'd already explored deeply in Jung's Collected Works. 

This relationship between musicking and dreaming has also informed how I hear and experience the world. For me, music is a territory or location for psycho-spiritual development, which transcends language, offering us a chance to hear what cannot yet be seen within ourselves. Music is a waking dream with a soundtrack, and I've found it to be a rich realm for deeply contemplative practice. 

After working psychotherapeutically with hundreds of patients, families, and groups, sharing music with audiences around the world, and my own eventual formulation of Archetypal Music Psychotherapy, my passion for this enigmatic alchemical relationship between music and psyche still burns as bright as ever, and I'm thrilled that you're considering joining us in this exploration. 

Objectives include being able to identify the major components of Archetypal Music Psychotherapy and apply these to your own life and work; to experience your own relationship with music as a useful metaphor for exploring the psyche and its teleology toward wholeness; to Increase attunement to the acoustic world and to its iintrapersonal impact; and to better understand the relationship between music-centered psychotherapy and Jungian analytical psychology. 

Joel Kroeker, RCC-ACS, MMT, is a Zurich-trained Jungian psychoanalyst and a music-centered psychotherapist based in Victoria, Canada, as well as an award-winning international recording artist.

FOR ALL REGISTRANTS:  For your convenience, we have provided a link to a time converter below so that you can find out when this event will start in the city where you will be located on the date of the event.  Our location, Washington, DC, is listed for your convenience.  You may enter your home city and change the date and time to obtain accurate information for any of our events.

RECORDINGS:  The recording will be sent out 24-48 hours after the session has concluded. You will have 14 days to watch the recording.  

ZOOM LINK: The Zoom link can be found in your registration confirmation email. They will also be shared about 24 hours before the program start time and one hour before the program starts. Registration closes before Zoom links are shared. If you do not receive your link 24 hours in advance, please reach out asap directly to

CANCELLATION: You may cancel your registration up to 1 week prior to the program.

By agreeing to enroll in an online program offered by the Jung Society of Washington, you are also agreeing to comply with our terms. This means that you cannot record (through internal or external devices) the audio, visuals (photos), or  any videos of the program. The intellectual property belongs to the presenter, and we ask you not to violate this policy. Also, we highly value the anonymity of the content of the program, of the presenters, and of individuals present in the program, and hope that everyone can contribute to a respectful and trust-building online environment. Thank you!


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Washington, DC 20016


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The Jung Society of Washington is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, a nonprofit educational institution. Our IRS form 990 is available upon request. Although many of the Jung Society's programs involve analytical psychology and allied subjects, these offerings are intended, and should be viewed, as a source of information and education, and not as therapy. The Jung Society does not offer psychoanalytical or other mental health services.
Images of mandalas throughout this site were created by Carl Jung's patients between the years 1926 and 1945.
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